We are always on the lookout for talented and motivated people to join our team! We make it a point to seek out people with experience in digital marketing and other fields that will lend new perspective to what we do and the services we offer.

At this time, gnooko does not have any specific positions available, but continue to check this page for updates on our hiring needs. In the meantime, if you are looking to pursue a career in marketing or digital marketing, here’s a list of independent resources that might be able to help you. (Note that gnooko has no affiliation with any of these resources):

Professional Resources

Indeed Canada

Eluta Canada 


LinkedIn Help Center 

Additional Resources

Toronto Community Employment Services (TCES)

York Region Careers 

YMCA – Greater Toronto – We Can Help You Find A Job 

Service Canada – Finding a Job 

University of Toronto – Career Centre 

York University Career Centre